Search our index to find the name of your family member. It just takes a couple of easy steps to get the information we have on file.
1.) Search the file and select the person for whom you want the information.
2.) Just copy and paste the full line of data from the index for each person whom you want information on.
3.) You will go to the "Store" on the menu and click "Genealogy Index Purchase." (Based on your membership or nonmembership, you will click the item that fits your current PAHGS status).
3.) After clicking, "Genealogy Index Purchase," you will then paste the index file into the additional information section for us to process your request.
4.) There is an established fee of $5.00 for members and $10.00 for non-members, for each page requested.
5.) 4.) IF YOU WANT MORE THAN ONE FILE: Simply repeat the process above for each additional file you want and click "add to cart."