Our Gift Shop: Prints
Prints & Reprints -- Local History
"Groundhog Day Legend"
2006 Groundhog Day Special
Original "pulled" color print
Whimiscal multi-colored interpretation of our special day
By noted regional artist, Mary Hamilton
Unmatted - $20
B.R.&P Railway Passenger Station
Color lithograph
By late Punxsutawney native and Society member, Roger Williams
Unmatted - $5
"The Legend"
The ponkis and Punxnsutawney's name
7x12 & 8x10 prints By local artist Robin McIlvaine
Matted - $5
"Punxsutawney 1895"
Panoramic "bird's-eye view" drawing
Reprint of black & white lithograph
Unmatted - $15
Map of Jefferson County 1908
Reprint showing towns, streetcar lines and roads
Unmatted - $5
Map of Jefferson County 1878
Reprint from 1878 Caldwell's Illustrated Atlas
Unmatted - $5
Any item described above may be ordered from:
PAHGS, PO Box 286, Punxsutawney, PA 15767
Phone: 814.938.2555
Email: punxsyhistory@verizon.net
Sales tax, shipping and handling added.
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